Vampire the masquerade attributes

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Like, Brawl, it's description vaguely says it helps with feeding, but it doesn't clearly say if brawl helps with feeding or the Unarmed combat Feat that Brawl is contributing to. Same with all the other skills with few exceptions.

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Charisma only helps increase your persuasion level. As in, there is no charisma check in game, only a persuasion check. To clarify, you're saying the answer to question in the body of my post is no, that abilities/attributes only impact the game through feats, they do not impact the game directly? Even though charisma might be cheaper, but won't get you a research point.

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So if you need both of those, you raise scholarship. Originally posted by Vepar:Unless the more expensive attribute also contributes to something else you need, like scholarship both contributes to persuasion and research.